Destroyed Highway Bridge in Ukraine
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One of CFI’s key initiatives is supporting Ukrainian-led reconstruction planning and ongoing reconstruction due to Russian aggression.  

In July 2023, four CFI leaders embarked on a transformative journey to Ukraine, engaging with government ministers, mayors, builders, and visionary design professionals. CFI co-hosted, with Ukrainian NGO, Dobrobat, the REUkraine conference in Kyiv, Ukraine an in-person and live-streamed event.

Building upon the insights gained during the visit to Ukraine, CFI hosted a delegation of Ukrainian
leaders to the San Francisco Bay Area in January 2024. This trip included government and industry
leaders from Ukraine. The group formed a “community of practice” committing to each other and their
nation to help build jumpstart planning for a Ukrainian-led reconstruction planning process, even while the war continues.

One of CFI's key initiatives is supporting Ukrainian-led reconstruction planning and ongoing reconstruction due to Russian aggression. As part of the January 19-29, 2024 Study Trip, CFI invites you to meet these Ukrainian leaders.

While in the Bay area, the Ukrainian delegation identified several key take-aways, including the tragedy of war offers:

  • An opportunity to rebuild differently
  • The need to think deep and act fast to rebuild
  • The opportunity to develop a "people" centric reconstruction
  • The chance to not just build back better but also build forward

If you didn't have a chance to meet the participants of the January 2024 STudy Trip, CFI invites you to meet these Ukrainian leaders and hear their stories.

Why Help?

Destroyed trucks painted with flower and little boy

More than a year ago, Ukraine found itself the victim of a devastating invasion by Russian forces. This act of unanticipated aggression was met with global outrage. Condemnations echoed from the United Nations General Assembly chambers to the halls of power in the United States, with the vast majority of the international community united in their denouncement of Russia's unjustified/unprovoked actions.

As the conflict continues, the resilience and resourcefulness of the Ukrainian forces have been widely acknowledged, leading to their nickname as the "MacGyver army". Their adaptation of digital tools, novel strategies, and sheer ingenuity have astonished the world, highlighting their bravery and creativity amidst the backdrop of war.

President Zelensky's vision includes an immediate response to the pressing needs of war-torn communities. At the same time, he has urged design and construction leaders to consider the longer term, crafting strategies that not only repair the present damage but also lay the groundwork for a thriving peacetime economy.

Your support can help turn this vision into reality. Together, we can assist Ukraine in rising from the ashes of conflict to build a brighter and more resilient future. Your contribution will not only aid in reconstructing the nation's physical landscape but will also inspire a new era of innovation and progress in Ukrainian society.

The estimated cost of rebuilding Ukraine is more than $500 Billion USD.

Why Launch a National Reconstruction Conversation in Ukraine Now?

In the wake of devastation, the Center for Innovation and our Ukrainian partner, Dobrobat are igniting a movement that embraces technology and new materials and explores sustainable solutions to rebuild this resilient nation. Dobrorat is a Ukrainian- based volunteer construction battalion that assists survivors in the de-occupied territories in the restoration of housing and social infrastructure. They work closely with Ukrainian mayors in many damaged regions of the country. Together, we are harnessing new and proven means and methods to tap into the boundless creativity of the building and design industry.

Today, many Ukrainians don’t have a floor upon which to put their feet:  in June 2023 it was estimated that 163,000 housing units have been destroyed. To put that number in perspective, it’s as if every home in Cincinnati were destroyed.

Additionally, over 218 hospitals and clinics have been damaged or destroyed. UNESCO has verified damage to 253 sites, including religious sites, museums, historic buildings monuments, and libraries.  Ukrainians face an immense post-war rebuilding challenge.

Press interviewing CFI

Sharing Knowledge

Destruction of Ukraine

The scope of destruction calls for immediate action, even before peace is fully secured. And the Ukrainian people are determined to reconstruct their nation with ingenuity. They seek guidance and expertise as they consider options and plan for a resilient future.

The Ukrainian reconstruction effort will be the biggest opportunity for building innovation since World War II. This initiative is an exceptional moment for global collaboration;  lessons learned will shape the future of building worldwide as other countries face military conflict and climate change.

CFI is proud to stand alongside Ukraine as it builds, quite literally, the foundations of resilience and renewal. We are united in a mission to rebuild sustainably – using the best technological and process techniques.

Be part of this transformative journey and help us shape a brighter future for Ukraine and beyond.

What Can the CFI Share With Ukrainians?

CFI will focus on sharing ideas including:

  • Providing innovative, proven solutions, processes, and resources to rebuild permanent buildings faster and healthier
  • Ukraine can demonstrate to the world the power of innovation; new ideas can be implemented on a scale not seen since the end of WWII. Ideas we will be exploring:


  • Sustainable materials and methods
  • Energy microgrids
  • Repurposing material waste


  • AI, Augmented Reality, and technology
  • Virtual design and construction
  • Robotics


  • Lean Methodology
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
  • Industrialized construction
  • Ukrainians are experts in defining their needs; CFI can offer ideas and solutions to meet these needs
Ukrainian construction workers

What Are We Selling?

Dobrobat and CFI are NGO’s- we aren’t selling anything;  our role is to provide ideas and hope.  We do not endorse products or vendors.

Who Will Benefit?

Woman construction worker in Ukraine

Why Start This Process Now While the War Continues?

What is CFI's Fundraising Goal and How Will the Funds Be Utilized?

  • The campaign goal is $300,000 USD (we’ve raised over $ $100,000 USD to date). Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
  • Fund activities:

Trip to Kyiv- July 28

  • Objective: Listen and share how Ukrainian leaders and citizens think about reconstruction
  • Attendance: 300+ Ukrainian mayors, ministry officials, builders, designers + citizens, and participants from CFI
  • Event will be recorded and live-streamed with simultaneous translation
  • Fundraising Goal: $100,000 USD (This goal has been met)

Study Trip Symposium to San Francisco Bay Area- January 2024

  • Objective: The trip will connect Ukrainians and Americans to share best practices to support the creation of sustainable and healthier buildings for Ukrainian people in which to live, learn, and work.
  • Attendance: 10-15 Ukrainian government and building leaders
  • Event will be recorded and live-streamed with simultaneous translation
  • Fundraising Goal: $200,000+  to support travel costs and logistics for this trip

Members of the CFI's Board of Directors and other volunteers are currently meeting with Ukrainian leaders and helping resolve immediate rebuilding and construction issues.

Streets of Ukraine

'The World's Largest Construction Site': The Race Is On to Rebuild Ukraine

Read More >
The Ukraine: Living Under Siege while Planning for Peace

The Ukraine: Living Under Siege While Planning For Peace

Watch Now >

The Center for Innovation wishes to thank the following for their support of this effort:

Trimble LogoFerry Building logo
Dobrobat logoConsulate General Of Ukraine San Francisco logo
Shack 15 logoGrace farms logoArchitectural Resources Group
sitelink logo

Marc Benioff, Jamie Studley & Gary Smith, Baris Lostavali, Zig Rubel, Dean & Carol Reed, Stuart Eckblad, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Former Ambassador Michael McFaul, & Professor Martin Fischer, Kristen Bailey, Carroll Stevens, Louise Fox, Anne Kronenberg, Irina Gorb, Ashley Archie, Shekira Ramdass, Rebecca Roberts, Mark Chandler, Anne O'Driscoll, April Willoughby, Dan Geiger & Julie Blankenship, David Wessel, Diane Filippi, Elizabeth Crabtree, Eric Lam, Geraldine O'Brien, Geri Gmahling, Harry Kirsch, J Louise McGinnis Barber, Janet Collier, Jean Fraser & Geoff Gordon-Creed, Jenny Han, Jill Anthes, Joseph Rubel, Katie Olson, Kevin O'Connor & Kris Bailey, Larry Hillman & Sara Papas, Linda Jo Fritz, Logan Patrick, Mariano Curat, Marina Roelofs, Marc Benioff, Maureen Kosewic, Max Lara, Michael Bernard, Margie O'Driscoll & Niels Swinkels, Rebecca & Woodie Landeros, Simon Smundak, Susan Fassberg, Tiany Galaskas, Troy Thompson, Tuyet Le, Joyce K. Polhamus FAIA and J. Stuart Eckblad FAIA, Ben Golvin, Jeanne Blamey, and Evette Davis and many others...

Center for Innovation is a 501C-3 non-profit organization.
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